Laura Ammanati
Full professor of Economics Law. Long-time experience in national and international research projects, She was granted the Jean Monnet Chair in “EU Energy Regulation and Policy towards Sustainability: Reaching Energy Efficiency through Behaviour Changes” (2014-2017) and the Jean Monnet Module “Regulatory Networks and European Governance” (2009-2014). Member of several international associations including ADDE, AIDE, ASCOLA, SIDE, AIPDA, IIAS. She is co-editor of the Rivista della Regolazione dei Mercati and member of the editorial and the advisory boards of many national and international legal journals. Her favourite research fields are European economic regulatory strategies, market regulation (especially energy market). Recently she is dealing with the impact of digitalization on some markets, in particular financial and agri-food. Among the most recent publications: The Governance of the Energy Union. An ‘Intricate System’ Unable to Achieve the European Union Common Goals (Oil, Gas & Energy Law, 2019); Public and Private Law and the Challenges of New Technologies and Digital Markets, vol. I (C.H. Beck, 2020); Information in Agri-food Market: The Role of Digital Technologies (Rivista diritto alimentare, 2020); La circolazione dei dati: dal consumo alla produzione (Rivista trimestrale diritto dell’economia, 2020). |