Teaching Activities


The teaching activities of Jean Monnet Chair ENFASIS are structured to achieve many objectives through two traditional courses, a new e-learning course, a summer school, many seminars and webinars open to all students and researchers of the University of Milan as well as to all civil society. In the framework of the European multicultural society, where food appears not only as nourishment but also as a tool for an intercultural dialogue across different legal systems, all the planned teaching activities want to give more specific attention to the EU model of consumer-food law in the context of the global markets and international rules, deepening several topics linked to Reg. EU 2283/2015 like those related to right to adequate food, food safety, consumers’ protection, market regulations, environmental sustainability, rule of law and cultural identities.   


University Courses

The project deepens teaching activities focused on European Law and Comparative Legal Systems in synergy with the official curricula of the DILHPS of Milan University, especially regarding the Masters’ degree programmes in ‘International Relations’ (REL) and ‘Political and Government Science’ (GOV), where the Chair holder teaches ‘Comparative Private Law’ and ‘Private Law in Europe and Latin America’. During the mentioned courses is given attention to the main topics of the Project, allowing students to identify which legal rules of soft law and hard law appear most suitable to meet the needs of the European single market, ensuring a high level protection for consumers and the environment.

As part of the activities of the Jean Monnet Chair ENFASIS, a new teaching course ‘Comparative Law, Sustainability and Food Safety’ has been in force since a.y. 2020/2021. The course, that is delivered in e-learning and is open to all students of University of Milan, specifically addresses food-related problems in the framework of the different consumers’ rights, such as those linked to food safety, cultural identities, religious freedoms, as well as those rights related to the environment and eco-systems protection through sustainable consumption choices and inter-generational duties. It aims to convey to the student the knowledge of the problems and possible solutions that emerge for food topics in the context of the European Union, without neglecting the demands and solutions offered by the different legal systems, as well as their comparison beyond a European vision of law.


Summer school

Through the Jean Monnet Chair ENFASIS it is foreseen an international summer school (planned for a.y. 2022/2023). It will offer an in-depth teaching for Bachelors, PhD students, professional and policy makers through an interdisciplinary approach. The summer school will be promoted and coordinated by the Chair holder and will be made up of a specialized teaching staff – composed of national and foreigners professors of comparative law, EU and international law, administrative law, sociology and agri-food economy – which will facilitate, through a joint work, an increasing knowledge in the fields of activity or research. 

Novel Food and Sustainability: the EU Model in a Global Perspective (PROGRAM & LINK FOR APPLICATION)




Master Student Degree Thesis

During the Project lifetime I will encourage student to prepare their Master Degree thesis on topics related to the interaction between European food law and European consumer law from a comparative legal perspective.

Some of the thesis carried out are listed here