Academic Staff


LanniSabrina Lanni (actually enrolled at University of Milan)

Until 2018 I was Associate professor of Comparative private law at the Department of Legal, Historical, Economic and Social Sciences of the “Magna Graecia” (University of Catanzaro). From 2016 to 2018 I was Jean Monnet Module leader of the HELACOL Project that I proposed according my interest in Comparative consumer law.

My attentions to Consumer law, Latin-American law and Private law harmonization in Europe and Latin-America began at the University of “Tor Vergata” thanks a Doctorate’s degree in ‘Roman Law System and Unification of Law’ that I joined in 2001. In the mentioned University began the studies and researches that have made it possible to realize my first book ‘America Latina e tutela del consumatore: le prospettive del Mercosur tra problemi e tecniche di unificazione del diritto’ (Giuffré, Milano, 2005, ps. 560). During my activies as researcher of Latin-American private law at the ‘Center of Latin-Americas Law Studies’ of the Italian Research Council and University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ (2001-2015) I went on to develop the mentioned fields of research.

My academic training has benefited from periods of study spent abroad. I have been several time visiting researcher fellow at: Max Plank Institut für Auslandisches und Internationales Privatrecht of Hamburg; Institut Suisse de Droit Comparé of Losanne; Universidade de São Paulo and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Universidad de Buenos Aires; Institute of European and Comparative Law of the University of Oxford; Universidad Diego Portales de Santiago de Chile. During these periods I met several foreign Colleagues with whom I began an enduring and fruitful scientific collaboration.

For more information about me see Who I am.


ChiarellaMaria Luisa Chiarella (University “Magna Græcia” of Catanzaro)

She is Associate Professor in Private Law at the Department of Health Sciences of UMG (since 2018). Graduated at the “Magna Graecia” University of Catanzaro in 2000 (summa cum laude), she started her collaboration with the same institution teaching during years, both in under-graduate and in post-graduate courses. She got her PhD in Civil Law in 2007 (“Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria) and held research grants in Private and Comparative Law at the “Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna” of Pisa (2003-2007) and at the “Magna Graecia” University (2008; 2009-2011).

Since 2009 she has been appointed as member of the Scientific board of the Master in Civil Law “Private Law of Public Administration”, which now she coordinates. She is director of the post-graduate Training Course in “Privacy management and information security”.

She was Visiting fellow at the University of Amsterdam (2009) and at the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid (2013). Since 2008 she has been invited as speaker to several national and international Conferences and (since 2012) she also started to organize national and international Conferences.

She wrote various scientific papers and she is author of three books: “Paradigmi della minore età. Opzioni  e modelli di regolazione giuridica tra autonomia, tutela e responsabilità” (Rubbettino, 2008), “Contrattazione asimmetrica. Segmenti normativi e costruzione unitaria” (Giuffrè, 2016) and “Diritti reali di godimento” (Esi, 2020).

Her main areas of research are: contract law, market regulation, fundamental rights, property law and bioethics.


EsborrazDavid Fabio Esborraz (Italian Research Council)

Researcher of Comparative Private Law of the Institute of International Legal Studies (ISGI-CNR) since 2001. Bachelor’s degree at the National University of Rosario, Argentina (1990), he held Master’s degree in ‘Integration and Unification of Law in Europe and in Latin America’ (1999) and PhD in ‘Roman Law System and Unification of Law in Europe and in Latin America’ (2003), both at the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’. Before his Italian experience, he has been working as Adjunct Professor of Civil Law (Contract Law) at the National University of Rosario in Argentina (1993-2013).

He is Editor in chief of “Roma e America. Diritto romano comune. Rivista sull’integrazione e l’unificazione del diritto in Eurasia e in America Latina” (from 2013). Author of many scientific works and of three books (“Contrato y Sistema en América Latina”, Rubinzal-Culzoni, Buenos Aires, 2005; “Subsistema jurídico latinoamericano, comparación y tradición romanística”, UniversItalia, Roma, 2020, and “Vicisitudes del contrato en la tradición jurídica romanística”, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, 2020).

From 2013 he is member and executive secretary of the Academic GADAL (Group for the Harmonization of Latin American Law), with the purpose to lay the foundations for a Code on the law of obligations.

Visiting researcher in the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima (2005, 2011, 2013 and 2016-2018), National University of Córdoba, Argentina (2008), Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law of Hamburg (2009), University ‘Externado’ of Colombia, Bogotá (2009, 2013 and 2018-2021), Institute of Legal Research of the UNAM, Mexico (2010 and 2018), University ‘Complutense’ of Madrid (2013) and China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing (2017).

His main research interests are: Latin-American System; European and Latin-American contract law harmonization; Law of obligations and contracts; Consumer contract.


LaudonioAldo Laudonio (University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro)

Professor in Commercial Law at the Department of Law, Economy and Sociology of the “Magna Graecia” (University of Catanzaro) and also guest lecturer of Commercial Law at the Department of Enterprise and Management (University LUISS, Rome).

Graduated with honours at the Pisa University in 2003. PhD in National and International Commercial Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan “Cattolica del Sacro Cuore” in 2009. He started his collaboration with the “Magna Graecia” University of Catanzaro in the academic year 2005/2006 teaching both in academic and in post-graduate courses (masters, advanced courses) Law and Economics, Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Law.

In 2007 and in 2010 he spent two research periods at the Juristische Facultät of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and at the Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht in Munich. In September 2013 he also gave a cycle of lectures in Portuguese regarding “A legislação comercial nos tempos da crise: promoção, recuperação e efectividade” at the Escola de Direito of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Porto). He participated three times as speaker to the yearly national conferences organized in Rome by the association “Orizzonti del Diritto Commerciale”.

He wrote various scientific articles and chapters of books on subjects ranging from negotiable instruments to company law, from bankruptcy law to regulated markets, from IP law to commercial contracts. Author of a book about the heterogenous conversion of associations (“La trasformazione delle associazioni”, Padova, CEDAM, 2013).

His main area of research comprises company law (with a focus on nonprofit organizations), commercial contracts and financial markets.

He is lawyer and since 2013 he is also admitted to practice before the superior courts.


MagriGeo Magri (University of Insubria)

Geo Magri holds a PhD in Historical and Institutional Foundations of European Law (University of Turin) and is Assistant Professor of Private Law at the University of Insubria.

He is a previous Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the European Legal Studies Institute, Universität Osnabrück (LS Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Christian von Bar). In 2009 he was appointed "ISAIDAT Researcher" by Prof. Rodolfo Sacco. Between 2012 and 2014 he was also Vice President of the International Lawyers Association Osnabrück (IJVO).

He has long-term experience in academic projects aiming at the harmonization of European private law. Co-author of studies on behalf of the European Parliament (IMCO) on consumer law and Contributor to the database of the consumer law acquis communautaire on behalf of the European Commission (

Author of many scientific articles (published in Italy, Germany, Poland and Brazil) and several books (among which the following are particularly noteworthy: “La circolazione dei beni culturali nel diritto europeo” Naples, ESI, 2011; “I contratti della lirica: tra tutela del contraente debole e usi negoziali”, Padua, CEDAM, 2016; “La prescrizione”, ESI, 2019).

His research interests include property and contract law, consumer law, cultural heritage, comparative law and private international law. During his career, he has lectured in Germany, Poland and Italy. He has also organized international conferences in Germany and Italy.

In 2006 he was admitted to the bar at the Court of Appeal of Turin.