Projects and expertise
Fields of my academic interest
Civil Law Codifications; Private Law Harmonization; Latin-American System; Contract Law; Tort Law; Consumer Law; Artificial Intelligence; Legal Anthropology; Indigenous People’s Rights; New Constitutionalism & Multicultural Societies; Sustainability & Evironmental Protection; Global Food Law & Novel foods.
Head of National and International Research Projects (last 10 years)
2020-2023: Jean Monnet Chair – ENFASIS (European Novel Foods Agreement and Sustainable Intercultural Systems), Erasmus+ Actions (Programme - Jean Monnet Activities Selection 2019 - Call for Proposals ref. EAC/A04/2019) project number 609524-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPJMO-CHAIR
2016-2019: Jean Monnet Module – HELACOL (Harmonization of European and Latin American Consumer Law), Erasmus+ Actions (Programme - Jean Monnet Activities Selection 2016 - Call for Proposals ref. EAC/A04/2015) project number 574338-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPJMO-MODULE
2012-2015: Research Module – National Research Council on Italy (Latin American System & Private Law Harmonization) in the framework of ISGI (CNR) Project on “Italy & International Legal System”
2010-2012: Research Project – National Research Council on Italy (Latin America: Law, System & Legal Pluralism) in the framework of activity of the in the framework of ISGI (CNR) Project on “Italy & International Legal System”
Participation in Funded Research Projects (last 10 years)
2020-2021: SEED Call of Milan University (Artificial Intelligence & Finance: Ethic & Law for Sustainable Ecosystem); P.I. Dr. Gianluca Greco (University of Milan).
2011-2012: Department of Cultural Identity of CNR (The Flow of Italian Legal Ideas in Latin America); P.I. Prof. Riccardo Cardilli (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”).
I received annual contributions for many research projects from the University Departments where I worked